Movies, Well-Being

Day 5: A film that I think is underrated (@Cineworld)

As soon as I saw this, I knew which film I was going to choose. It's actually one of my absolute faves but I feel that it doesn't get the recognition it quite deserves. I wouldn't even say it's a cult classic - it's got a good fanbase but not good enough for even its… Continue reading Day 5: A film that I think is underrated (@Cineworld)

lifestyle, Teacher, Well-Being

Feeling Forever Thwarted

Do you consider yourself a hard worker? Do you put your heart and soul into your job because it's something you love doing and want to progress and flourish in your career? Do you ever fall under the radar but see colleagues get promoted when they're not even good at their job? Because, same! That's… Continue reading Feeling Forever Thwarted

Teacher, Well-Being

Rock and Hard Place

Whoever said "those who can't...teach" needs to lose their playtime and lose a class dojo point! Teaching itself is amazing; when I go to work, I'm happiest when I'm in the classroom with my kids and just teaching them. That "penny drop" moment will always be my favourite and the things 7/8 year olds come… Continue reading Rock and Hard Place