
Day 11: A film that made me cheer at the cinema (@Cineworld)

Wow! This is a hard one. Being British, cheering at the cinema is not really in our nature but there have definitely been times when I have wanted to let out a huge "hurrah!" If there was one film that would have had me whooping with the rest of the much-reserved Brits, it would probably… Continue reading Day 11: A film that made me cheer at the cinema (@Cineworld)


7 Must-Watch Teen Movies

I love a cheesy movie or a rom-com and there are some that I think everyone should have watched at least once by the time they're thirty. I'm going to list a few that I recommend - some may be more obscure than others, some are more obvious and some you may have even just… Continue reading 7 Must-Watch Teen Movies


My Top 10 Romantic Movies 💖

I love love. I do! I always have. I grew up watching Disney movies and have always dreamed of the fairy tale. Then, when I moved towards my teens, I started watching teen romcoms and I fell in love with love all over again. I am a sucker for a romantic movie and I love… Continue reading My Top 10 Romantic Movies 💖

Movies, Well-Being

Day 5: A film that I think is underrated (@Cineworld)

As soon as I saw this, I knew which film I was going to choose. It's actually one of my absolute faves but I feel that it doesn't get the recognition it quite deserves. I wouldn't even say it's a cult classic - it's got a good fanbase but not good enough for even its… Continue reading Day 5: A film that I think is underrated (@Cineworld)


Day 4: A film that starts with ‘The’ (@Cineworld)

I've decided to tap into my romantic side for this one and choose The Notebook. It is such a beautiful film and the characters are just so easy to fall in love with. Rachael McAdams is just adorable as Allie and who doesn't want somebody to love them like Ryan's Gosling's Noah loves Allie? And… Continue reading Day 4: A film that starts with ‘The’ (@Cineworld)