Disney, Movies

Day 3: My favourite character (Disney Challenge)

When it comes to Disney, this is a toughie. There are so many characters who I absolutely adore and are so worthy of being a firm favourite: Jiminy Cricket, Sebastian, Lumiere, Mufasa, Gus... I could go on! I'm going to narrow it down to who I think I am most happy to have been introduced… Continue reading Day 3: My favourite character (Disney Challenge)


Day 11: A film that made me cheer at the cinema (@Cineworld)

Wow! This is a hard one. Being British, cheering at the cinema is not really in our nature but there have definitely been times when I have wanted to let out a huge "hurrah!" If there was one film that would have had me whooping with the rest of the much-reserved Brits, it would probably… Continue reading Day 11: A film that made me cheer at the cinema (@Cineworld)


Day 10: A film that is also a book that I love (@Cineworld)

I love to read a good book, and nine times out of ten I will prefer the book to a movie because I usually feel that when people make a book into a movie, the book is butchered. For example, The Girl on the Train, The Da Vinci Code, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... There… Continue reading Day 10: A film that is also a book that I love (@Cineworld)


Star Wars Movies in Order of Preference

I've always appreciated Star Wars. I'd watched Episode V a few times and I've always had a fascination for Darth Vader but I don't think I'd ever really, truly taken it all in. At the start of lockdown, I realised I had a ridiculous amount of time on my hands so there was no time… Continue reading Star Wars Movies in Order of Preference

Disney, Movies

Day 2: My favourite song (Disney Challenge)

Although Beauty and the Beast is my ultimate favourite Disney movie, it doesn't actually have my favourite song in its repertoire. My favourite song comes from The Lion King and is one that I absolutely love singing along to at the top of my voice no matter where I am. (Sorry fellow shoppers in 'Primark'… Continue reading Day 2: My favourite song (Disney Challenge)


Day 9: A film with a soundtrack that I love (@Cineworld)

Music really does make a movie. I've mentioned in an earlier post that (500) Days of Summer has one of the best movie soundtracks I've ever heard. Not only does it have some quality songs by amazing artists ('The Smiths', I'm looking at you here!) but the music is chosen perfectly to match the mood… Continue reading Day 9: A film with a soundtrack that I love (@Cineworld)


7 Must-Watch Teen Movies

I love a cheesy movie or a rom-com and there are some that I think everyone should have watched at least once by the time they're thirty. I'm going to list a few that I recommend - some may be more obscure than others, some are more obvious and some you may have even just… Continue reading 7 Must-Watch Teen Movies

Disney, Movies

Day 1: My favourite movie (Disney challenge)

As you know, I love a challenge and this one includes Disney! Yay! I found this one on Pinterest by Kailey on We Heart It. So, we are kicking off the challenge with my favourite Disney movie and this one is easy. It's Beauty and the Beast. I fell in love with this movie the… Continue reading Day 1: My favourite movie (Disney challenge)


Day 8: My favourite film that is set in space (@Cineworld)

I know that the obvious choice here would be Alien and I can't deny that it truly is a classic but I'm going to go a little more modern and choose Gravity. I watched this movie with my Mom at the cinema and I thought it was brilliant. My heart was in my mouth the… Continue reading Day 8: My favourite film that is set in space (@Cineworld)

Disney, Movies

Who is your favourite Disney villain?

I've mentioned previously that I absolutely adore Disney. I grew up watching the movies and Lee and I are booked to visit Disney World on our honeymoon in August. Everyone has a favourite movie, and everyone has a favourite character. Alongside this, everyone has a favourite villain. I definitely feel villains are becoming more and… Continue reading Who is your favourite Disney villain?