
Day 1: The First Film I Saw at the Cinema

I’m committing to Cineworld’s 30 Day Film Challenge. I love challenges like this – they really evoke emotions and memories that you may have forgotten about… and they’re also fun to do!

So, the first film I saw at the cinema…

I’m pretty sure it was Home Alone 2: Lost in New York and I think I saw it about five times because I just loved it so much. Wow, this was back in 1992 so I would have been seven.

The Cast of 'Home Alone 2: Lost in New York,' Then and Now ...

This probably makes sense as to why Home Alone 2 is in my top three of Christmas movies too.

I absolutely love this film – it’s a festive must-watch each year. I think Tim Curry’s character is probably my favourite in it and I love that The Wet Bandits have changed their names to The Sticky Bandits, and Harry and Marv making their way through Kevin’s house of horrors is just pure genius.

Tim Curry Is Home Alone 2's Secret Weapon | Screen Rant

I have to say though… the bird lady still creeps me out!

Who Is The Pigeon Lady In 'Home Alone 2: Lost In New York?'

Also, does anyone else point out Donald Trump during the Plaza scene?

Home Alone 2 TV version edited years before Trump was elected, CBC ...

Share your own first cinema movies in the comments!

Loula Bella xoxo

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